FNV will represent easyJet employees at the CLA-table

Portret Stijn Jansen
Door Stijn Jansen 16 maart 2023

It is finally official, thanks to you and your support and efforts, we will represent you and your colleagues at the CLA-table!

Officially recognized as a union at easyJet

We are really proud to have made it, last week we have welcomed our 100th member at FNV easyJet. And after positive talks with easyJet we can proudly announce now that we are officially recognized as a union at easyJet. As a group easyJet couldn’t put us aside any longer, our battle for recognition is over and the next one for an improved CLA is close at hand and can be achieved with help from each and every one of you!

It is because you all have gathered together as a strong work force of FNV members that have made their voices heard throughout the base all the way to Luton. You all have been really brave to step up by wearing the buttons and placing stickers to show the support among you and your colleagues which have not gone unnoticed! Many passengers on flights and even colleagues from other bases have shown their interest and support of our uprising these last months.


In the next week, we will organize a new survey to gather what you want to have improved in your oncoming CLA. In April, we will organize online webinars to talk with you about the latest updates along the process. Gathering all the info from the survey and webinars we will make an organized overview and present your demands to easyJet. Even outside of the survey and webinars we are more than happy to receive your feedback personally via email or word to mouth. As for oncoming period we are still allowed to wear the button which is even agreed upon by AMS base managers, and we will keep you posted on our progressions along the way

We hope to speak to you soon!


We've created an email adress for all questions and concerns. You can email: helpdesk@fnveasyjet.nl if you need any of us! We will try to answer your questions in 24 hours.

Do you need help with your tax refund?

FNV-members can receive help with their tax declaration. We do have a lot of volunteers who want to help you with that. The service is mainly in Dutch, but there are some volunteers at Amsterdam who can help you with the forms in English.

The registration form for the service is in Dutch, but you can ask your Dutch-speaking colleagues with help to set up an appointment at our Tax Service. This service is only for members!

If you are considering joining the FNV you can do that using this link.
You can become a member now for € 25,- covering the first 6 months!

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