The CLA-agreement easyJet

Portret Stijn Jansen
Door Stijn Jansen 23 december 2022

A week after the announcement that the VNC and easyJet have reached a temporary agreement, and we still don’t know the details of the agreement.

What we have seen so far from the agreement, easyJet chooses to have an inexpensive CLA and be a low-cost-carrier across your backs. The minimum wage in the Netherlands will increase with €178,- per month on the first of January, while the salary of a Flight attendant with more than one year experience, only will increase with €128. You are still dependable of your sector-payment and commissions, to get above minimum wage! And even the minimum wage is not a liveable amount.

So, instead of closing the gap between your basic salary and the minimum wage they have settled for less compared to yearly inflation. Due to this potential agreement, the gap is growing!



What can we do now?

There are two scenarios right now. Or the VNC-members are wise enough to see the true value of this agreement. Of course, we will help them to convince to make the correct analysis. Some of you are still a member of the VNC. Even if you are a FNV-member, you have the right to vote and right to visit their members-meetings. Perhaps, you can also make a point of order and bring the option in vote to open the voting before the first of January. It would be more fair, because all members at the moment of agreement, can have a vote.

If the VNC members are that unwise to vote for the agreement, we are allowed to organise actions for better working conditions. The peace duty within the CLA, only applies for parties who have signed the agreement.

FNV is here for your interests

From what we know, the agreement is not in your interest. It seems that your working conditions were not the first priority. If it was, then there was a better agreement and the voting would open before the first of January, when some of the FNV-members could also vote. It is remarkable that easyJet and VNC did have such a rush to present an agreement before the audit to recognize the FNV has been finished and on the other hand, the VNC doesn’t seem to have that much hurry to open the votes.

The FNV is a democratic and transparent union. We are not recognised yet, but we have the result of the audit, which proves that we have reached more than 30% of the member-grade. We do assume that easyJet will recognise us soon.

Meanwhile, we will increase the pressure to get recognised. The VNC and easyJet did try to sideline us, but they will not succeed.

You can point out to new colleagues that there will be two unions at easyJet. We are a democratic and transparent union. While we were not recognised yet, we weren’t able to introduce ourselves to the new entrants. But you can do so! Please be aware that there is a legal reflection period of 14 days, where people could end memberships without any costs. If you talk to a new colleague who regret their membership, point this out.

Happy holidays

We would like to close this newsletter by wishing all easyJet employees and their family members a very happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous 2023! In the unlikely event that you are working for a moment during the holidays, we wish you an extra special "happy landing"!

And for 2023: Fasten your seatbells and brace for impact. The FNV stands with you and are ready to spice the things up, for a fair and good CLA.

Until next year!

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