FNV Aviation has reached a tentative agreement with easyJet

Portret Stijn Jansen
Door Stijn Jansen 24 november 2023

On Thursday 23rd of November, FNV easyJet, the VNC and easyJet have reached a tentative agreement. The negotiations were tough, but constructive. We are glad that we have reached some of our goals.

The tentative agreement

On Monday, we will present the agreement and we will open the voting. But, here we will give a brief summary:

  • A 2 year CLA starting 1st of January 2024 and ending at 31st of December 2025.
  • The temporary pay increase of 2023, will be structural.
  • A general pay increase.
  • An implementation of a Pay Structure with 4 levels for FA’s and CM’s, with 2% increase each level.
  • Everyone will be placed in the levels based on their INI-date.
  • Implementation of a new Travelling Allowance as the Flight Deck, which would be a benefit of € 106,- net per month on average. In Year 2 an increase of Basic Pay of CPI (with no limitations).
  • In Year 2 an increase of 2% of Sector Pay.
  • From the 1st of January 2024 an increase of pension contribution to 10%.
  • The Upranker Payment will be increased to € 20,- Implementation of an UL-sector.
  • Implementation of Disruption Payment of € 25,- for a FA and € 40,- for a CM.


On Monday, we will be opening the votes. We will schedule 6 Member Meetings next week. Because, we would like to implement the agreements as soon as possible, we would open Balloting from Monday until Thursday 30th of November 13.59. Implementation of the Pay Structure and the Travelling Allowance, will take 3 months, so we have to have clarification before the first of December.

The member meetings will be take place on:

  • Monday 27th of November: 14.30-15.30
  • Tuesday 28th of November: 10.30-11.30
  • Tuesday 28th of November: 19.00-20.00
  • Wednesday 29th of November: 10.30-11.30
  • Wednesday 29th of November: 19.00-20.00
  • Thursday 30th of November: 10.30-11.30


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