Shifting Labor Frontiers

The recruitment of South Asian migrant workers to the European Union

Door Redactie 9 november 2020

A staggering number of South Asian migrant workers are recruited to work in European Union member states. Increasingly these workers do not remain in the country of arrival but go on to work in another member state.

Beeld: Wikimedia Commons


The FNV and Mondiaal FNV commissioned a study to these Third Country Nationals. On 2 november the research report ‘Shifting Labor Frontiers’ was presented.

In the report ‘Shifting Labor Frontiers. The recruitment of South Asian migrant workers to the European Union’ are the results of a study exploring the recruitment, employment and living conditions of Third Country Nationals from South Asia working as temporary migrant workers within the European Union. A special focus is on Nepal as a country of origin and Poland as country of transit and destination.

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