As a member of the FNV, you and your colleagues can influence the terms and conditions of employment. The bigger the union in the workplace, the stronger the position of workers, regardless of nationality!
Why is becoming a member of the FNV worth your while? A list of benefits:
* The total premium of € 25 for the first 4 months is deducted once for the first month of membership.
General terms and conditions individual legal aid
The premium for the introductory rate is a one-off payment of € 25 for the first 4 months, and a maximum of € 20,64 per month after that. Young people up to the age of 23 pay € 2,08 per month. The introductory rate contribution does not apply if you transfer from another trade union to the FNV while retaining all your membership rights.
The amounts stated apply to automatically deducted premiums. A surcharge of € 1 per month applies for the non-automatic payment method.
* The premium amount is based on the highest gross minimum wage. **Are you a full-time student? Then you will pay a contribution of € 2,08 per month when you have a proof of registration with the school. This does not apply to BBL (vocational) schools.
You can cancel your membership in writing at the end of the calendar month (see below). The notice period is 3 months. Please note that any exclusive member discounts or discount on tailor-made legal assistance will also be cancelled.
Attn. Membership Administration Department
PO Box 9208
Note: Please state your name, address, membership number and reason for cancellation. With your information we can continue to work on improving our services.
Are you cancelling your membership because you are emigrating? Send us proof of deregistration from the municipality. The membership will be cancelled at the end of the month, from the moment of receipt of the proof of deregistration, with due observance of the notice period.