About the FNV

The Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) has 1.1 million members, making it the largest trade union in the Netherlands.

Its precursors date back to the beginning of the 20th century, and over the years the FNV has grown into a vibrant association of workers, people on benefits, pensioners and self-employed people across many sectors.

The FNV plays an important social and political role in the Netherlands, standing up for the people who work, who want to work, or have had long working lives.
We also campaign for a just and egalitarian distribution of work, prosperity and power, and well-being for all. We stand for the sustainable management of the earth’s resources, and for a socially just solution to the effects of global environmental policy on labour.

The FNV wants decent work and a good income for everyone. We support and facilitate members to develop their skills as much as possible, and to take their careers into their own hands, regardless of the type of contract under which they work. The diversity and pluralism in society is reflected in FNV. Strong sectors are our foundation.

Brochure 'Exploring the FNV'

If you would like to read more about the work of FNV click here and open the information brochure about the roles, responsibilities and partnerships of the FNV.

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