Technical support

Besides financial support, Mondiaal FNV is open to providing partners and former partners with technical support. The support is in addition to existing projects that we run with our partners. It is intended for one-off activities with a short duration and a clear and concrete output.

Animatiebeeld mensen schudden handen

Types of technical support  

Mondiaal FNV offers technical support to trade union partners in the global south in three areas of work: 

  • Social dialogue, including negotiation skills. Bipartite and tripartite, at all levels, ranging from social dialogue and collective bargaining with companies to national and regional social dialogue. As part of the support for social dialogue, expertise can also be shared on specific topics such aslike health and safety, wages, vocational training, social protection and social security, and diversity and equality.
  • Organisational capacity building for trade unions (organising and campaigning skills, leadership, capacity building)
  • Financial capacity building of trade union organisations


Possible activities are:  

  • Training/train the trainers
  • Coaching
  • Consultancy
  • Exchange programmes
  • Apprenticeships
  • Other tailor-made activities


For whom: 

For current and former trade union partners of Mondiaal FNV 

By whom: 

We will look for the best expert, advice or activity in consultation with the requesting partner.

There are several options:

  • In our network in the Netherlands and abroad we have a group of known experts, trainers and consultants, mainly from the FNV but also from related organisations.
  • We can also hire experts from other organisations and other countries, who have been recommended to us.
  • Particularly in the area of the strengthening of social dialogue in some countries we can offer support in partnership with the Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme (DECP). Along with DECP we can provide training, consultancy and coaching to social partners in different social dialogue forums, bipartite as well as tripartite. Separately for employers and trade unions but also jointly.
  • We can put you in contact with the SER, the Socio Economic Council of the Netherlands and the bipartite structure Stichting van de Arbeid (Foundation of Labour) or other relevant forums, such as the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee), when looking for expertise or information.

How to apply 

Contact your Mondiaal FNV officer. If you do not have one, please email and we will contact you to discuss your request with you and look for the best option to support you.


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