Commitment to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQI+) Diversity

Mondiaal FNV is committed to support the building of respect and dignity for all workers. We believe every worker is entitled to work free from discrimination and violence regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics.

Since decades, the LGBTQI+ community has worked to eradicate harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender expression through laws and policies as well as through activities that celebrate diversity.

Mondiaal FNV plays a role in promoting inclusion and diversity

As a trade union support organisation we have played a role in promoting inclusion and diversity in the workplace and we will continue to work to protect LGBTQI+ workers worldwide.

Homophobia and transphobia still exist

However, despite the many achievements, homophobia and transphobia still exist. LGBTIQI+ workers still suffer labour disparities and discrimination because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. These range from income disparity to workplace harassment, from unfair treatment at work to discrimination when applying for a job.

Higher health risks LGBTQI+ workers in times of crisis

In times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, this situation worsens. From barriers to access health services to stigmatization; from the rise of online cyberbullying and hate speech to domestic violence; LGBTQI+ workers are facing an unprecedented situation that places them at a higher risk of poor mental and personal health.

Mondiaal FNV stands up for LGBTQI+ workers and their rights

As Mondiaal FNV we stand up for LGBTQI+ workers and their rights, which are human rights. We will increasingly continue to support unions in the global south to fight for workplaces free of discrimination and harassment and we will support trade union activities to protect LGBTIQ+ workers and to raise their issues and needs.

How do we promote equality for LGBTQI+

To achieve this we have established a specific budget line focusing at gender-inequality, including the LGBTQI+ workers. From this fund we are able to support specific projects promoting equality for LGBTQI+ workers of trade unions. We also stimulate our current project partners to pay attention to the situation of LGBTQI+ workers and we promote the exchange of knowledge and information between trade unions in different parts of the world.

At the same time we strive for inclusion and protection of the rights of LGBTIQI+ workers in our own organization. Mondiaal FNV has a code of conduct which also includes non-discrimination of all our own employees independent of their gender-identity

Mondiaal FNV fights for the rights of all workers

Let’s stand up to intolerance and discrimination where we see it. Let’s keep working to ensure trade unions worldwide are more LGBTQI+ inclusive. Let’s go beyond single days of action and tackle systemic gender, income and racialized inequalities every day.

Mondiaal FNV commits to continue fighting for the rights of all workers and supports the campaign to end violence and discrimination in the workplace.

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