
Integrity and ethical behaviour at Mondiaal FNV

Mondiaal FNV depends on subsidies and donations to be able to conduct its work efficiently and continually. We therefore feel strongly about professionalism and transparency, and we review our policy and adapt our work practice whenever required.

Complaints procedure

In 2021 Mondiaal FNV completed the complaints procedure as well as a complaints procedure for external parties and an adapted code of conduct. A code of conduct was already in place in 2020, to be signed by all Mondiaal FNV staff members on the commencement of their employment.

The Mondiaal FNV confidential counsellor

Marieke de Jong (Theunessen De Jong advocaten) is the external confidential counsellor for Mondiaal FNV for a period of one year. This term will be automatically extended each year. Mondiaal FNV decided to hire an external qualified advisor in the capacity of confidential counsellor because, in this way, staff would be given the option of calling in an independent party outside the organisation to discuss and/or report on issues relating to integrity and ethical behaviour. The confidential counsellor will observe strictest confidence in all her activities. 

Complaints about Mondiaal FNV during 2022

In 2022 two cases were reported via our complaints mechanism. Together with the confidential counsellor, the cases were dealt with and brought to a successful conclusion for those involved. In addition, the confidential counsellor finalised 2 other complaints reports and there was 1 informative session.

More information

More information on Mondiaal FNV’s Code of Conduct and complaints procedure:


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