Riders United

Riders United is a part of FNV and advocates for fair pay, a safe working environment, and increased job security. We are a collective of riders from various companies and cities across the Netherlands.

Riders Toolkit

Together with succesfull Unionized Riders groups we made a quick and easy Toolkit on how to organize your local Riders group and push for meaningfull change! 

  1. Become a unionmember and download the Riders Toolkit
  2. Organise fellow riders and other colleague's
  3. Work towards political gains!

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Join our WhatsApp Group! Click on the button below.

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Join our WhatsApp Group! Click on the button below.

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Riders’ Constitution

Voor Nederlands, zie hieronder

Meal delivery workers in the Netherlands, known as 'Riders,' face daily challenges with uncertain working conditions, unfair compensation, and a lack of essential legal protection. To address this, over 100 riders, supported by the FNV, have created a Riders Constitution. It ensures basic rights like safety, security, income, and privacy. The constitution aims to protect and strengthen rider rights in the delivery sector, serving as a crucial tool for employers, clients, and local politics. Join us in supporting this movement by signing the constitution and advocating for fair and safe working conditions for all riders.

Riders Grondwet

In Nederland ervaren maaltijdbezorgers, ook wel 'riders' genoemd, dagelijks onzekere arbeidsomstandigheden, oneerlijke vergoedingen en een gebrek aan rechtsbescherming. Meer dan 100 riders uit verschillende Nederlandse steden, gesteund door de FNV, hebben daarom de Riders Grondwet opgesteld. Deze grondwet, bestaande uit vier thema's en een eisenpakket, waarborgt basisrechten zoals veiligheid, zekerheid, inkomen en privacy. Door de Riders Grondwet te ondersteunen, streven we naar verbeterde rechten en veiligheid voor alle bezorgers. Sluit je aan bij deze beweging door de grondwet te ondertekenen en te strijden voor eerlijke werkomstandigheden.

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Riders Deserve Better

Many people often order a meal online. This is possible because you cycle through the city in all kinds of weather. There are more and more platform companies that deliver meals. As a result, the competition is great and your position as a meal deliverer is getting weaker. This must change!

Read our research 'Concerned about Meal Deliverers’

Many people often order a meal online. This is possible because you cycle through the city in all kinds of weather. There are more and more platform companies that deliver meals. As a result, the competition is great and your position as a meal deliverer is getting weaker. This must change!

Read our research 'Concerned about Meal Deliverers’

Vast = Zeker

Millions of people in the Netherlands have a flexible job and an uncertain income. Worrying every day about whether you can pay your fixed expenses. About when you can work. A permanent contract should be the norm again. Together, we are striving for a permanent contract and a secure future.

Read more about our campaign Vast=Zeker

Millions of people in the Netherlands have a flexible job and an uncertain income. Worrying every day about whether you can pay your fixed expenses. About when you can work. A permanent contract should be the norm again. Together, we are striving for a permanent contract and a secure future.

Read more about our campaign Vast=Zeker

How Do Platform Companies Work?

There are more and more platform companies that pass on their assignments via an app. When you work for a platform, you seem to have a lot of freedom. In reality, you don't have much to say.

This is how platform companies work

There are more and more platform companies that pass on their assignments via an app. When you work for a platform, you seem to have a lot of freedom. In reality, you don't have much to say.

This is how platform companies work

Blijf op de hoogte

Become a member and benefit

  • Together we are stronger by fighting for jobs with good working conditions
  • Free legal advice and guidance on professional development
  • Assistance with filling out your tax returns
  • The opportunity to influence the employment agency you work for
  • Legal assistance in a conflict at work 

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