Riders United

Riders United is a part of FNV and advocates for fair pay, a safe working environment, and increased job security. We are a collective of riders from various companies and cities across the Netherlands.

Riders Grondwet

For English, see below

Maaltijdbezorgers in Nederland, 'riders', hebben dagelijks te maken met onzekere arbeidsomstandigheden, oneerlijke vergoedingen en een gebrek aan essentiële rechtsbescherming. Dat kan zo niet langer.

Om hier wat aan te doen hebben meer dan 100 riders uit verschillende Nederlandse steden, gesteund door de FNV, een Riders Grondwet opgesteld. De Riders Grondwet bestaat uit vier thema’s en een eisenpakket die de basisrechten van riders waarborgt. De belangrijkste thema’s die in de grondwet zijn opgenomen zijn: veiligheid, zekerheid, inkomen en privacy.

Met de Riders Grondwet streven we ernaar de rechten van riders in de bezorgsector te waarborgen en te versterken. Deze grondwet is een belangrijk instrument voor werkgevers, opdrachtgevers en lokale politiek om ervoor te zorgen dat riders in staat zijn hun werkzaamheden op een gelijkwaardige en veilige manier uit te voeren.

We roepen iedereen op om deze beweging te steunen. Steun de grondwet door deze te ondertekenen en strijd mee voor eerlijke en veilige werkomstandigheden voor alle riders.

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Riders’ Constitution

Meal delivery workers in the Netherlands, known as 'Riders,' face daily challenges with uncertain working conditions, unfair compensation, and a lack of essential legal protection. This cannot continue.

To address this issue, more than 100 riders from various Dutch cities, supported by the FNV, have drawn up a Riders Constitution. The Riders Constitution consists of four themes and a set of demands that guarantee the basic rights of riders. The main themes included in the constitution are: safety, security, income, and privacy.

With the Riders Constitution, we aim to safeguard and strengthen the rights of Riders in the delivery sector. This constitution is an important tool for employers, clients, and local politics to ensure that riders are able to perform their duties in an equitable and safe manner.

We call on everyone to support this movement. Support the constitution by signing it and join the fight for fair and safe working conditions for all riders.

Want to stay up to date?

Join our WhatsApp Group! Click on the button below.

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Join our WhatsApp Group! Click on the button below.

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Riders Deserve Better

Many people often order a meal online. This is possible because you cycle through the city in all kinds of weather. There are more and more platform companies that deliver meals. As a result, the competition is great and your position as a meal deliverer is getting weaker. This must change!

Read our research 'Concerned about Meal Deliverers’

Many people often order a meal online. This is possible because you cycle through the city in all kinds of weather. There are more and more platform companies that deliver meals. As a result, the competition is great and your position as a meal deliverer is getting weaker. This must change!

Read our research 'Concerned about Meal Deliverers’

Vast = Zeker

Millions of people in the Netherlands have a flexible job and an uncertain income. Worrying every day about whether you can pay your fixed expenses. About when you can work. A permanent contract should be the norm again. Together, we are striving for a permanent contract and a secure future.

Read more about our campaign Vast=Zeker

Millions of people in the Netherlands have a flexible job and an uncertain income. Worrying every day about whether you can pay your fixed expenses. About when you can work. A permanent contract should be the norm again. Together, we are striving for a permanent contract and a secure future.

Read more about our campaign Vast=Zeker

How Do Platform Companies Work?

There are more and more platform companies that pass on their assignments via an app. When you work for a platform, you seem to have a lot of freedom. In reality, you don't have much to say.

This is how platform companies work

There are more and more platform companies that pass on their assignments via an app. When you work for a platform, you seem to have a lot of freedom. In reality, you don't have much to say.

This is how platform companies work

Blijf op de hoogte


  • Persoonlijk advies over werk, inkomen en loopbaan
  • Advies over financiële planning en hulp bij geldzorgen
  • Ondersteuning bij beroepsziekten en letselschade
  • Invloed op jouw arbeidsvoorwaarden via je cao
  • Hulp bij jaarlijkse belastingaangifte en toeslagen
  • Korting op verzekeringen, energie, boodschappen en meer

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